Thursday, March 26, 2020

Basic Information About Chromatography

Basic Information About ChromatographyAnyone who studies organic chemistry has to keep in mind that the field is still developing and is being pushed by the complex nature of organic compounds. Any solution to this will be found with the continued research and studies. At the moment there are a lot of publications out there on organic chemistry in comparison to its counterparts. Therefore, every individual has to do a lot of research to gain a full understanding of the field.In addition to the numerous publications, the very first step in learning about chromatography is to learn about some basics. The following basic descriptions are taken from various materials. Chromatography was invented by the Dutch chemist William Whewell, who witnessed that gases trapped in fat and oil were separated from each other through this process. He devised a simple solution that uses a conical flask.Chromatography is now widely used in the chemical industry as well as to search for pollutants and impu rities in water. It is also used to extract various chemicals from crude oils, foods, soils, sediments, and the surroundings. It can also be used to separate solids from liquids and gas that are meant for extraction.The field of chromatography has also undergone a revolution in the recent past. Different laboratories have developed the technique in different ways. A technique called Magnetic Resonance Spectroscopy (MRs) has made it easier to identify different molecules based on their atomic structure. The chromatographic is the most common instrument used for this purpose. It uses either liquid nitrogen or liquid argon to cool down the sample and separates the molecules based on the changes of the temperature.Another popular technique used in chromatography is Electronic Structure Analysis (ESAs). This technique involves comparing the spectra of two samples with known structures.As it has progressed, it has developed many fundamental aspects like flow chromatography, gel chromatogr aphy, gas chromatography, dry chromatography, thin layer chromatography, electrical conductivity chromatography, and others. As these techniques have become better, so too have the methods to understand the concepts. The best way to learn the information is to read many books and reference manuals.One of the most important way to become an expert in this field is to take up different internships or work-study opportunities at some universities and scientific organizations. This will allow you to sample different work stations and work with other professionals in the field. You will also get to interact with different students and undergraduates at these institutions. The experience you gain will be invaluable to you in your future career.

Friday, March 6, 2020

Reflections of an Anatomy Instructor

Reflections of an Anatomy Instructor The following piece was written by Ben Gubar. Ben is a New Jersey tutor for Varsity Tutors as well as a professor for Richard Stockton College. Mark Twain once said: The more you explain it, the more I dont understand it. In my opinion, this is the bane of every instructors existence. When I first started teaching at Richard Stockton College of New Jersey, I would hear variations of this quote from my students. My biggest job was not to impart the knowledge to the students, which is what every professor must do, but rather to impart it in such a way that students wouldnt become confused. One could say that is a big order for someone who teaches Anatomy and Physiology. As I pored over various anatomy books, I remembered what the course was like for me: thousands of unrelated facts, illustrations, and strange names. The best analogy I can use is to liken it to climbing Mount Everest barefoot and blindfolded. I thought of how I could bring facts, illustrations and names together into something that any student, of any level could understand. You see, I had freshmen that had never taken a college course, to seniors who were ready to graduate but needed an Anatomy course to enter graduate programs in allied health fields. After reviewing the material for several weeks, I decided upon a paradigm shift. In speaking with students and educators, the two most important traits of successful educators are the ability to relate material to students experiences, and to keep things light. To some, these tasks may seem easy, but at the time, they were Herculean to me. How many students today are exposed to some form of forensic exercise in the media? All of those television shows with alphabet names: C.S.I. and S.V.U. Not to mention all of the forensic shows on TruTV, ID, Discovery, Biography and so many other channels. As a forensic examiner, I began to use these tools to teach Anatomy. Many of our class discussions revolve around both clinical situations as well as the use of forensic medicine to illustrate both the anatomy and physiology of the human body. These are things that my students can relate to personally, or have seen in the media. Finally, the last piece of the learning puzzle was to prevent the formation of an adversarial relationship between the instructor and the students. Too many instructors see their interactions as us versus them. There is an easy way to break down this barrier. I term this partners in learning. My students understand that, as well as an instructor, Im their partner in making their learning easier and more valuable. This can be done by the use of various methods. Firstly, by making myself available to my students. When one perceives their instructor as approachable and available, then they are more willing to ask for help. I set aside specific hours during the week for tutoring face-to-face, via college chat sessions, or Skype. I also make time on a daily basis to check my college email account to field questions that need immediate attention. Students learn by employing various methods. They can be visual learners, auditory learners, kinesthetic learners, or any combination of the three. A cursory search of the web reveals the materials necessary to adjust teaching techniques to any type of learner. By the use of available video presentations (instructional and entertainment related), or other materials such as mind mapping, mnemonics, and charts, an understanding of seemingly unrelated facts can be combined into a coherent group. Suddenly, Anatomy and Physiology is not such a mystery, and former concepts can be used to learn new ideas. Since employing this paradigm shift, my former students have reported higher levels of retention and even stated that they now enjoy learning. For my students past and present, who are pursuing an allied health career path, learning must be a life-long pursuit. New information necessary for successfully treating patients increases exponentially, almost on a daily basis. To me, it starts with a good basis in Anatomy and Physiology. Check out Bens tutoring profile. The views expressed in this article do not necessarily represent the views of Varsity Tutors.

Five Tips for Teaching Your Child Perseverance

Five Tips for Teaching Your Child Perseverance Parents work hard to raise children who are responsible and conscientious students, but what other qualities are important? Co-Founder and CEO, Eileen Huntington of Huntington Learning Center says that perseverance is one of the most essential traits of high-achieving students. All parents want their children to put sincere effort into school and other endeavors, but what they sometimes forget to keep in mind is that there is so much to be learned from encountering difficult times and working through them, she says. The strongest students out there have this in common: they know that success takes hard work. How can you teach your child to persevere, even when things are challenging? Huntington offers five tips: Teach your child that learning never stops. Learning is an active, lifelong journey. Remind your child that he or she always has something new to learn and that consistent practiceof homework or any skillleads to improvement. Embrace the failures. Its absolutely critical that you allow your child to attempt homework and projects independently and let him or her work through struggles and manage frustrations without helicoptering. Stepping in to fix your childs problems robs your child the opportunity to learn from mistakes. Instead, talk with your child about trying new strategies when one failed approach doesnt work. Celebrate the effort. Yes, high grades are great, but your job as a parent is to teach your child that persistence leads to accomplishments. Make it clear to your child that what you value most is diligence in school and a good attitude, regardless of any outcome. Encourage your child to try something new. There are so many great lessons your child can learn from regularly taking on new challenges, despite the unknown outcomes. Whether your child decides to try a new activity or tackle a project on a challenging subject, let him or her know that some of the best things in life come from learning new skills and pushing oneself outside the comfort zone. Talk about the importance of sticking with it. Your child should set goals and define the steps to reach those goalswhile keeping in mind that he or she will encounter road blocks sometimes. When it comes to school, that means giving homework and studying his or her very best and recognizing that part of learning requires grit when things arent easy. Last and certainly not least, Huntington reminds parents that their attitude about school perseverance has a tremendous influence on their children. Share stories of times that you tried, faced rejection or failure, and learned in the process, she says. Parents should let their children know that their success in life will be directly tied to their belief that good things come to those who apply themselves and fight through adversity. Huntington at 1 800 CAN LEARN to learn about how we help develop children into determined lifelong learners. About Huntington Huntington is the tutoring and test prep leader.Its certified tutors provide individualized instruction in reading, phonics, writing, study skills, elementary and middle school math, Algebra through Calculus, Chemistry, and other sciences. It preps for the SAT and ACT, as well as state and standardized exams. Huntington programs develop the skills, confidence, and motivation to help students succeed and meet the needs of Common Core State Standards. Founded in 1977, Huntingtons mission is to give every student the best education possible. Learn how Huntington can help at For franchise opportunities please visit 2018 Huntington Mark, LLC. Huntington Learning Center, the three-leaf logo, and 1 800 CAN LEARN are registered trademarks of Huntington Mark, LLC. Each franchised Huntington Learning Center is operated under a franchise agreement with Huntington Learning Centers, Inc.

Thursday, March 5, 2020

Listening How Books Make A Difference

Listening How Books Make A Difference Here is a listening exercise about immigration, reading, and hope. It seems appropriate with the current immigration situation in Europe. At LOI English we have lessons that discuss your interests and things that are important in our society, our world at the present moment. LOI English loves to have lessons that are meaningful for the student and meaningful for our current times. This is a story about immigration and hope in the United States. It is also a story about reading and the power of books. Do you have a book that changed your life? If yes, please tell us about it in comments. We may share your story and if we like it the best well give you a few free classes with LOI English.What did she learn how to do before she road a bicycle?Why wasnt she allowed to have books?Whats ___ ____?What does the above statement mean?What was she nervous about?The ____ you know about something, the ____ you will fear it.She ate the books? T/FHow old was she when she knew about the world outsid e of the camps?Tell us about your favorite book. How did it change your life? We will share it if we like your story best and you will get a free English class from LOI English.Heres our lesson about the current crisis in Europe.

The Rolling Stones 50th Anniversary Lets Talk About the History of Rock Music!

The Rolling Stones 50th Anniversary Let’s Talk About the History of Rock Music! Today is the 50th Anniversary of the legendary British rock band The Rolling Stones. The first performance of the Rolling Stones took place at the Marquee Club in London on July 12, 1962 when Mick Jagger (lead vocals), Keith Richards (guitar, vocals), Brian Jones (guitar), Dick Taylor (bass), Ian Stewart (piano) and Mick Avory (drums) appeared on the stage under that name for the first time.  The musicians performed songs of such blues masters as Muddy Waters and Bo Didley along with show items arranging them in their own manner. Initially the name of the band was The Rollin Stones and was picked from a song of Muddy Waters. In 1963 when Andrew Oldham, who previously worked with The Beatles, became a producer of the band he changed the name for The Rolling Stones. The calling card of the band is a song (I Cant Get No) Satisfaction from their third album Out of our heads (1965). Thanks to provocative lyrics by Mick Jagger referred to sexual frustration and the commercialism particular to America, Satisfaction became an anthem of youth in 1960’s and is considered to be one of the all-time greatest rock songs ever recorded. In spite of all the snags of an early death, conflicts inside band, drug addiction and superstar excess, typical to many great bands, The Rolling Stones have managed to survive and succeed. In 1989 The Rolling Stones were inducted into the American Rock and Roll Hall of Fame. The Stones made thousands of live performances and multi-million record sales, released over 100 singles, 29 studio albums and 10 live albums during their 50 year career. Their most recent studio album A Bigger Bang was released in 2005. There are dozens of films about The Rolling Stones the most famous of them is Shine a Light filmed  by Martin Scorse se in 2008 and based on two of the groups performances at New York Citys Beacon Theatre on 29 October and 1 November 2006. The Rolling Stones are celebrating their anniversary by attending a photo exhibition chronicling their career at the Somerset House in London and rehearsing for new gigs. The Rolling Stones have made a notable contribution to the development and history of rock music and not only in music but also in artistic, creative, image-making and mass media aspects. Many of The Stone’s albums, including Beggars Banquet, Let It Bleed, Exile On Main Street, Tattoo You, Steel Wheels were recognized as a classic of genre. However, most historians trace the origins of rock back to the late 1940s and early 1950s, when a new type of music, called Rock and Roll, emerged in the United States, quickly spread all over the world and revolutionized musical tastes. This new music evolved out of union of several musical styles, rhythm and blues, country and gospel, together with a series of some technological developments that created a new market for music. The credit of using the phrase rock and roll for the first time belongs to Alan Freed, Cleveland disc jockey, who in 1951 began playing rhythm and blues music for a multi-racial audience and took this phrase from the so ng My Baby Rocks Me with a Steady Roll to describe the music. Among the earliest rock and roll stars were Bill Haley, Chuck Berry, Little Richard, Jerry Lee Lewis and Gene Vincent. Rock and roll provided the foundations for the music that, since the mid 1960s, is generally known as rock music, a kind of music with simple tunes and a strong beat that is played and sung, usually loudly, by a small group of people with electric guitars and drums. Harder and often more serious than its predecessors, it was initially characterized by musical experimentation and drug-related or anti-establishment lyrics. But the genre has become extraordinary diverse and it is difficult to define its common musical characteristics now. In 1960s begins the golden age of a rock. This period is also known as the “British Invasion” which started from the arrival of The Beatles in the U.S. The Rolling Stones, The Animals and The Yardbirds were among most raging participants of that process. During the history of rock music there were attempts to combine it with all music styles with academic music (art rock, appears in the late 60’s), jazz (jazz rock, in the late 60’s early 70’s), Latin music (Rock en español, in the late 60’s), Indian music (Raga rock, in the mid 60’s). In 60-70’s emerged almost all major subgenres of rock music, except of above mentioned ones, these were hard rock, punk rock and avant-garde rock, hardcore (a kind of punk rock) and brutal forms of heavy metal music death metal and black metal. In 90’s became popular grunge, britpop and alternative metal. The age of rock has given the world such extraordinary bands as Led Zeppelin, Pink Floyd, Van Halen, Queen, Metallica, The Doors, Rush, AC/DC, ZZ Top, Aerosmith, Guns ‘N Roses, Deep Purple and many others. The worldwide popularity of rock music confirms that it exerted a great influence on culture, fashion, social attitudes and ideology of several generations of people and pretty much changed the world. The Rolling stones, being one of pioneers of the rock culture and one of the most powerful rock bands, still turn out hit records and remain the reigning kings of rock and roll. Visit to find a private tutor in music, music history, music theory, guitar,  piano  and  drums. The Rolling Stones 50th Anniversary Let’s Talk About the History of Rock Music! Today is the 50th Anniversary of the legendary British rock band The Rolling Stones. The first performance of the Rolling Stones took place at the Marquee Club in London on July 12, 1962 when Mick Jagger (lead vocals), Keith Richards (guitar, vocals), Brian Jones (guitar), Dick Taylor (bass), Ian Stewart (piano) and Mick Avory (drums) appeared on the stage under that name for the first time.  The musicians performed songs of such blues masters as Muddy Waters and Bo Didley along with show items arranging them in their own manner. Initially the name of the band was The Rollin Stones and was picked from a song of Muddy Waters. In 1963 when Andrew Oldham, who previously worked with The Beatles, became a producer of the band he changed the name for The Rolling Stones. The calling card of the band is a song (I Cant Get No) Satisfaction from their third album Out of our heads (1965). Thanks to provocative lyrics by Mick Jagger referred to sexual frustration and the commercialism particular to America, Satisfaction became an anthem of youth in 1960’s and is considered to be one of the all-time greatest rock songs ever recorded. In spite of all the snags of an early death, conflicts inside band, drug addiction and superstar excess, typical to many great bands, The Rolling Stones have managed to survive and succeed. In 1989 The Rolling Stones were inducted into the American Rock and Roll Hall of Fame. The Stones made thousands of live performances and multi-million record sales, released over 100 singles, 29 studio albums and 10 live albums during their 50 year career. Their most recent studio album A Bigger Bang was released in 2005. There are dozens of films about The Rolling Stones the most famous of them is Shine a Light filmed  by Martin Scorse se in 2008 and based on two of the groups performances at New York Citys Beacon Theatre on 29 October and 1 November 2006. The Rolling Stones are celebrating their anniversary by attending a photo exhibition chronicling their career at the Somerset House in London and rehearsing for new gigs. The Rolling Stones have made a notable contribution to the development and history of rock music and not only in music but also in artistic, creative, image-making and mass media aspects. Many of The Stone’s albums, including Beggars Banquet, Let It Bleed, Exile On Main Street, Tattoo You, Steel Wheels were recognized as a classic of genre. However, most historians trace the origins of rock back to the late 1940s and early 1950s, when a new type of music, called Rock and Roll, emerged in the United States, quickly spread all over the world and revolutionized musical tastes. This new music evolved out of union of several musical styles, rhythm and blues, country and gospel, together with a series of some technological developments that created a new market for music. The credit of using the phrase rock and roll for the first time belongs to Alan Freed, Cleveland disc jockey, who in 1951 began playing rhythm and blues music for a multi-racial audience and took this phrase from the so ng My Baby Rocks Me with a Steady Roll to describe the music. Among the earliest rock and roll stars were Bill Haley, Chuck Berry, Little Richard, Jerry Lee Lewis and Gene Vincent. Rock and roll provided the foundations for the music that, since the mid 1960s, is generally known as rock music, a kind of music with simple tunes and a strong beat that is played and sung, usually loudly, by a small group of people with electric guitars and drums. Harder and often more serious than its predecessors, it was initially characterized by musical experimentation and drug-related or anti-establishment lyrics. But the genre has become extraordinary diverse and it is difficult to define its common musical characteristics now. In 1960s begins the golden age of a rock. This period is also known as the “British Invasion” which started from the arrival of The Beatles in the U.S. The Rolling Stones, The Animals and The Yardbirds were among most raging participants of that process. During the history of rock music there were attempts to combine it with all music styles with academic music (art rock, appears in the late 60’s), jazz (jazz rock, in the late 60’s early 70’s), Latin music (Rock en español, in the late 60’s), Indian music (Raga rock, in the mid 60’s). In 60-70’s emerged almost all major subgenres of rock music, except of above mentioned ones, these were hard rock, punk rock and avant-garde rock, hardcore (a kind of punk rock) and brutal forms of heavy metal music death metal and black metal. In 90’s became popular grunge, britpop and alternative metal. The age of rock has given the world such extraordinary bands as Led Zeppelin, Pink Floyd, Van Halen, Queen, Metallica, The Doors, Rush, AC/DC, ZZ Top, Aerosmith, Guns ‘N Roses, Deep Purple and many others. The worldwide popularity of rock music confirms that it exerted a great influence on culture, fashion, social attitudes and ideology of several generations of people and pretty much changed the world. The Rolling stones, being one of pioneers of the rock culture and one of the most powerful rock bands, still turn out hit records and remain the reigning kings of rock and roll. Visit to find a private tutor in music, music history, music theory, guitar,  piano  and  drums.

What To Do If You Failed Your Final Exam

What To Do If You Failed Your Final Exam Tips From a Private Fullerton Tutor: What to do if You Flunked Your Final Exam Students will be receiving grades from their final exams either right before leaving for winter vacation or the week they return to school in January. Most students are hoping for As and Bs that will keep their overall GPA high, but some students will receive the occasional bad news. It can feel like a students academic life is over if they receive an F on one of their final exams but, there are some positive and proactive things every student can do to attempt to remedy the situation or at least correct it as they move forward. 1. Talk with the teacher The very first thing a student should do in this type of situation is ask to have a face-to-face appointment with their classroom teacher. The teacher is the best source of information on what may have gone wrong on a final exam because the teacher both wrote and graded the exam. Students should look over their essay or test, if available to them, and make a list of questions they can ask the teacher during the meeting. Students should also think about their goals for the course as a move forward and ask the teacher specific steps they can take to improve (READ: Irvine Tutoring Tips: Ways Tech Can Make Homework Easier). 2. Discuss extra credit Except for some emergency situations, students are not allowed to retake a final unless they are in the younger grades. However, many classroom teachers are open to the possibility of extra credit. A student might propose a project they could do or research they could conduct that would place valuable emphasis on the subjects they still need to learn and can prove to the teacher that the student wants to do well. The worst that can happen when asking for extra credit possibilities is that the teacher will say no, in which case the student will be in the same position they are now. Why not take a chance and see if a student can boost grades going forward? 3. Hire a one-on-one Fullerton tutor If the issue is study skills, students are encouraged to start working with a one-on-one tutor who can give them the individual attention they need to improve their grade. Its better to start working with a tutor before grades start to slip too far, but some students just get caught off guard during exam week. Private tutors can go through a student’s old assignments and tests to try and figure out where and why things went wrong. Once the issue has been pinpointed, the tutor can work with the student to improve study habits, increase efficiency, and also help them tackle those complicated topics that are just too hard to understand in a classroom environment our private tutors are the best in SoCal! 4. Look at study habits Many students will end up getting a low grade because their study habits need improvement. Although each student is an individual, there are a few things that tend to be a universal issue. Students who work in a group environment may find that studying with friends is too much of a distraction and they may need to start working on homework in a quieter environment. Students may also be spending too much time on busy work and not enough time tackling concepts that will build upon each other throughout the semester. Students may have issues with procrastination and start working on assignments too close to the due date to get a good grade. Students can sit down with their classroom teacher, a parent, or a private tutor to try and figure out what went wrong and how to make it better. Failed your final exam? Dont panic! Our private Fullerton tutors are here to help you succeed. All blog entries, with the exception of guest bloggers, are written by Tutor Nerds. Are you an education professional? If so, email us at for guest blogging and collaborations. We want to make this the best free education resource in SoCal, so feel free to suggest what you would like to see us write.

15 Free Apps Every College Student Should Have on Their Phone

15 Free Apps Every College Student Should Have on Their Phone RELATED: 10 SHOWS TO BINGE-WATCH WITH YOUR ROOMMATES App #1: Your School’s App Price: Free Available for: Usually for both Apple and Android In my opinion, having your school’s official app downloaded onto your phone can make your days in college a little more manageable. For example, the app for Florida State University has a wide selection of things to check out on its app. It has in-app real-time bus tracking, the ability for students to view their class assignments, lots of information on athletics, and much more. Your school’s app should have everything you need to keep you informed on everything happening on campus. App #2: Mint Price: Free Available for: Apple and Android Every college student needs a budgeting app to track where and how money is being spent. Mint offers users the ability to create a budget plan plus fun and easy methods to help you stick to that plan. It also has bill tracking and it even lets you check your credit score for free! App #3: My Study Life Price: Free Available for: Apple and Android If you’d rather have a virtual planner handy on your phone or tablet rather than a traditional paper planner, this app is perfect for you. It allows you to add plans for anything right into the easy-to-read calendar. Set reminders for exams and homework that’s due to stay on top of every class! App #4: Lyft app Price: Free to download (promo codes for free rides available) Available for: Apple and Android Lyft is the taxi app that can get you where you need to go for a cheap price. Much like Uber, Lyft lets drivers use their personal vehicles as taxis to pick up passengers and drop them off at their destinations. It’s an easy way to get around town if you don’t have a car and need to get there fast. If you do have a car and need a little bit of extra cash, signing up as a Lyft driver might be a great side job for you. App #5: Google Drive Price: Free Available for: Apple and Android Store as many documents as you could possibly need on Google’s online flash-drive app. Users can share documents with friends, classmates, and professors right from their phone and view documents that have been shared with them. This could be very useful for group projects or an easy way to have homework stored online. App #6: Chegg Textbooks Study Help Price: Free to download Available for: Apple and Android Chegg is one of the most popular names in the world of college students. Known as the cheap website to use to purchase or rent textbooks for class, Chegg the app continues to offer this service plus live tutors to give you help in subjects that you might be having trouble with. Another cool thing is if you find yourself stuck on homework, you can take a picture of the problem and have someone give you an answer in just a few short hours. No more pulling your hair out over homework! App #7: Quizlet Price: Free Available for: Apple and Android Quizlet is a cool app that lets you create and share quizzes, flashcards, practice tests, and more fun studying tools with the rest of the world. You’ll also be able to access your Quizlet account from your desktop or laptop by visiting their website online. App #8: RetailMeNot Price: Free Available for: Apple and Android Love to shop? RetailMeNot can save you money. This handy app has promo codes for online shopping and barcodes that cashiers can scan at the register and its all in one place. You can save time that you would use scouring the internet to find coupons and student deals and instead have every coupon you need right at your fingertips. App #9: Memrise Price: Free (More features are available for purchase) Available for: Apple and Android Does your major have a foreign language requirement? Do you plan to study abroad in a country where English isn’t the first spoken language? Memrise offers fun and often challenging exercises to teach you a new language.   You can use this app to start studying now and get some extra practice in between classes so you’ll feel like a pro in no time. App #10: GrubHub Price: Free Available for: Apple and Android Saturday night rolls around. You have half a loaf of bread and a pack of ramen noodles left in the pantry. Besides a ramen noodle sandwich, your at-home food options are looking pretty slim. Why not order something from your favorite local restaurant and have it delivered to you? That’s right; even if the restaurant doesn’t offer a delivery option, GrubHub workers will go pick up a meal that you customize and order on their app and deliver it right to your dorm or doorstep for the price of the food and a small delivery fee. Foodies, rejoice! App #11: Instacart Price: Free Available for: Apple and Android I’ve mentioned this magical service in another post of mine because I love it so much. If you don’t have a car or simply don’t have the time to go to the grocery store, you can use this app to have groceries and household goods delivered right to your door. All you have to do is add items from one of the listed stores into your virtual cart. A person hired by the company then goes to the store and picks up everything you ordered. In no time at all, that person will arrive at your front door with your groceries. This service also allows you the option of adding substitute items, just in case the store is out and your shopper has to choose an alternative. App #12: Spotify Price: Free (subscription to access more features is available for purchase) Available for: Apple and Android Long bus rides and jogs around campus are best enjoyed with some good music. Spotify offers thousands and thousands of songs made by artists from all over the world. You can even download music directly to the app so you can listen to your favorite songs without being connected to Wi-Fi if you’re a premium member. Never fear; as a college student, Spotify offers you a discount on premium membership, meaning you’ll only have to pay $5 a month to listen to music without ads. App #13: EventBrite Price: Free Available for: Apple and Android Wondering what events are happening on campus and in the city? EventBrite gives you information on upcoming events near you, keeping you updated on which concerts, shows, plays, and more are coming into town. App #14: Waze Price: Free Available for: Apple and Android This fun and colorful GPS app gives you a heads up on traffic and helps you avoid police and road hazards, thanks to other Waze users who share information with the rest of the Waze community. It’s more fun than the standard GPS system your phone has pre-installed on it. App #15: Circle of 6 Price: Free Available for: Apple and Android It’s important to remember that even though college is meant as a fun experience, you can’t forget to remain safe. One app that can help you stay safe on campus is an app called Circle of 6. It lets you add six friends who live in your vicinity to a list of people you can contact in case there is an emergency. You can send out pre-written messages to this group with a single tap or, if it’s a more serious emergency and you need immediate help, you can quickly call 911 and a number of other national hotlines Using this app will allow you and your chosen group of contacts to stay in constant touch with one another to give you an added sense of safety.